Some projects
- Openlexicon🌍 (lexical databases & scripts)
- LePetitPrince🌍 (fMRI dataset)-- analysis scripts🌍
- Programming for Cognitive and Brain Sciences🌍 (book & code)
- BlackBox ToolKit v2 Python module🌍 (python module)
- Linux Tips🌍 (documentation)
- AudioVis🌍/ (generic psychology stimulation script)
- Shuffle🌍 (tool)
- For more stuff, check out my github repositories🌍 and blog
Misc. slides, pdfs...
- Expyriment tutorial🌍
- Mixed-effects modelling
- Critical Periods and Language Attrition🗏
- Signal to noise ratios in Magnetic Resonance Imaging🗏
- Méthodologie, recueil et manipulation de données🗏
- Statistiques Appliquées à l’Expérimentation en Sciences Humaines🗏 (with Christophe Lalanne)
- Introduction to R
- Basic statistics with R
- Easy ANOVA with R
- Analysis of variance and the general linear model or performing t-tests with matrix algebra🗏
- Interpreting Parameters in Linear Model for a 2x2 Anova
- Correlated regressors in multiple regression
- Computing discriminability and bias with the R software🗏
- Premiers pas en Emacs
Food for thought
- My amateur photos (see also my flickr account)🌍
- True artists: