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Annexe 1: Anova cumulant Exp. 1 et 2


PLAN  S8<G2>*M2*O2*X2\par
G = Groupe (=exp‚rience)
X = Exp‚rimental
O = Ordre
M = Moiti‚ de bloc (M1 = d‚but et M2 = fin)\par
 G              F(1,14)=  3.68    MSE=36712.1    p=0.0757
 X              F(1,14)= 33.06    MSE=1763.69    p=0.0001
 X.G            F(1,14)=  0.37    MSE=1763.69    p=0.4473
 O              F(1,14)=  4.77    MSE=4333.45    p=0.0465
 O.G            F(1,14)=  0.52    MSE=4333.45    p=0.4827
 O.X            F(1,14)=  0.07    MSE=3673.11    p=0.2048
 O.X.G          F(1,14)=  0.81    MSE=3673.11    p=0.3833
 M              F(1,14)=  1.90    MSE=1261.04    p=0.1897
 M.G            F(1,14)=  1.14    MSE=1261.04    p=0.3037
 M.X            F(1,14)=  2.01    MSE=780.337    p=0.1781
 M.X.G          F(1,14)=  0.43    MSE=780.337    p=0.4774
 M.O            F(1,14)=  0.20    MSE=536.895    p=0.3384
 M.O.G          F(1,14)=  2.69    MSE=536.895    p=0.1232
 M.O.X          F(1,14)=  0.13    MSE=877.188    p=0.2762
 M.O.X.G        F(1,14)=  0.04    MSE=877.188    p=0.1556
 X/M1           F(1,14)= 27.79    MSE=1421.72    p=0.0001
 X/M2           F(1,14)= 18.14    MSE=1122.3     p=0.0008
 X/O1           F(1,14)=  8.63    MSE=3827.91    p=0.0108
 X/O2           F(1,14)= 15.85    MSE=1608.89    p=0.0014

Annexe 2: Mots inducteurs des exp‚riences 4, 4bis et 5

Coda : calmant, capture, carton, certaine, culture, factice, facture, filmer, furtive, garder, lact‚, magma, magnum, malsain, marquer, marteau, martyr, mortel, nectar, normal, pactole, parcours, pardon, parfum, parquet, personne, pigm‚, pigment, sceptique, secteur, septembre, serpent, sourdine, subjugue, submerge, subsiste, sultan, surface, surtout, tactile, technique, turban, verbal, verdure, vertige, victime, virgule, volcan, voltige, vulgaire.

Attaque : citron, coffrage, cycliste, cyprŠs, d‚bris, d‚clin, degr‚, d‚plaire, d‚prime, doublure, fabrique, faiblesse, f‚brile, goudron, libraire, maigrir, maŒtrise, microbe, motrice, mystŠre, nacr‚e, naufrage, navr‚e, n‚vrose, patron, p‚trole, public, r‚clame, recrue, r‚flexe, reflux, refrain, regret, repli, retraite, sacr‚e, safran, secret, sevr‚e, siffler, souplesse, sucr‚e, suffrage, supplice, suprˆme, tableau, tigresse, vibrant, vitrine.

Annexe 3: Mots inducteurs de l'exp‚rience 6

rictus, fermette, vecteur, mesquine, soldeur, cordage, calmante, mortel, victime, servile, bifteck, virgule, charnel, captive, charlotte, courbette, fiscal, malgache, cornette, parfaite, charpente, verbal, sceptique, tardif, valseur, calvaire, nordique, sulfate, docteur, formule, dolmen, bulgare, secteur, muscade, mascotte, marquage, captif, courtine, bismuth, certaine, berceuse, malsaine, parlante, dorsal, formel, thermos, vecteur, fictive, dispute, barman, voltige, pactole, carbone, facteur, marquante, tardive, disquaire, largesse, golfeur, subtil, capsule, cheftaine, lecteur, formol, perfide, capture, bascule, catcheur, fortune, culbute.

Annexe 4: Anova de l'exp‚rience 6 

Analyse par sujets : PLAN  S10<I4>*P4                                                               
I = Induction attention
P = Position de la cible

Temps de r‚action
 I              F(3,36)=  1.11    MSE=42720.1    p=0.3578
 P              F(3,108)=109.3    MSE=3316.56    p=0.0000
 P.I            F(9,108)=  8.7    MSE=3316.56    p=0.0000
 I1 I2.P1 P2    F(1,18)= 42.39    MSE=1356.42    p=0.0000
 I1 I3.P1 P3    F(1,18)= 10.28    MSE=2854.09    p=0.0049
 I1 I4.P1 P4    F(1,18)= 48.17    MSE=1894.48    p=0.0000
 I2 I3.P2 P3    F(1,18)=  6.25    MSE=4077.79    p=0.0223
 I2 I4.P2 P4    F(1,18)= 35.52    MSE=3316.98    p=0.0000
 I3 I4.P3 P4    F(1,18)= 21.50    MSE=2989.59    p=0.0002
 I1,I2 I3 I4.P1,P2 P3 P4  F(1,36)= 23.16  MSE=2294.72  p=0.0000
 I2,I1 I3 I4.P2,P1 P3 P4  F(1,36)= 16.70  MSE=3747.94  p=0.0002
 I3,I2 I1 I4.P3,P2 P1 P4  F(1,36)=  6.03  MSE=3475.05  p=0.0190
 I4,I2 I3 I1.P4,P2 P3 P1  F(1,36)= 33.49  MSE=3748.55  p=0.0000
 I1 I2.P3 P4    F(1,18)=  4.35    MSE=1938.46    p=0.0515
 I1 I3.P2 P4    F(1,18)=  3.90    MSE=6386.72    p=0.0638
 I1 I4.P2 P3    F(1,18)=  0.32    MSE=4255.39    p=0.4214
 I2 I3.P1 P4    F(1,18)=  0.73    MSE=4669.1     p=0.4041
 I2 I4.P1 P3    F(1,18)=  3.74    MSE=4259.53    p=0.0690
 I3 I4.P1 P2    F(1,18)=  0.85    MSE=1800.22    p=0.3687

Erreurs :
 I              F(3,36)=  1.24    MSE=0.6257    p=0.3095
 P              F(3,108)= 16.0    MSE=0.5887    p=0.0000
 P.I            F(9,108)=  1.4    MSE=0.5887    p=0.1721
 I1 I2.P1 P2    F(1,18)=  0.51    MSE=0.1944    p=0.4843
 I1 I3.P1 P3    F(1,18)=  0.40    MSE=0.25      p=0.4650
 I1 I4.P1 P4    F(1,18)=  0.76    MSE=1.1778    p=0.3948
 I2 I3.P2 P3    F(1,18)=  0.00    MSE=0.1111    p=1.0000
 I2 I4.P2 P4    F(1,18)=  7.42    MSE=0.7583    p=0.0139
 I3 I4.P3 P4    F(1,18)=  2.50    MSE=0.6389    p=0.1313
 I1,I2 I3 I4.P1,P2 P3 P4  F(1,36)=  0.15  MSE=0.2345  p=0.2992
 I2,I1 I3 I4.P2,P1 P3 P4  F(1,36)=  2.07  MSE=0.4104  p=0.1589
 I3,I2 I1 I4.P3,P2 P1 P4  F(1,36)=  0.10  MSE=0.3363  p=0.2463
 I4,I2 I3 I1.P4,P2 P3 P1  F(1,36)=  3.48  MSE=1.3734  p=0.0703
 I1 I2.P3 P4    F(1,18)=  1.57    MSE=1.2917    p=0.2262
 I1 I3.P2 P4    F(1,18)=  0.29    MSE=1.3611    p=0.4032
 I1 I4.P2 P3    F(1,18)=  0.23    MSE=0.4333    p=0.3627
 I2 I3.P1 P4    F(1,18)=  0.95    MSE=0.6583    p=0.3426
 I2 I4.P1 P3    F(1,18)=  0.00    MSE=0.05      p=1.0000
 I3 I4.P1 P2    F(1,18)=  0.72    MSE=0.1389    p=0.4073

Analyse par items : PLAN  S<P4>*I4                                                                 
 I              F(3,105)= 17.6    MSE=2862.41    p=0.0000
 P              F(3,35)= 19.90    MSE=17022.5    p=0.0000
 P.I            F(9,105)=  9.6    MSE=2862.41    p=0.0000
 I1 I2.P1 P2    F(1,18)= 40.24    MSE=1428.8     p=0.0000
 I1 I3.P1 P3    F(1,18)=  9.18    MSE=3197.5     p=0.0072
 I1 I4.P1 P4    F(1,17)= 43.96    MSE=1967.01    p=0.0000
 I2 I3.P2 P3    F(1,18)=  9.44    MSE=2698.85    p=0.0066
 I2 I4.P2 P4    F(1,17)= 82.42    MSE=1354.14    p=0.0000
 I3 I4.P3 P4    F(1,17)= 24.06    MSE=2530.97    p=0.0001
 I1,I2 I3 I4.P1,P2 P3 P4  F(1,35)= 12.72  MSE=4239.47  p=0.0011
 I2,I1 I3 I4.P2,P1 P3 P4  F(1,35)= 60.28  MSE=998.238  p=0.0000
 I3,I2 I1 I4.P3,P2 P1 P4  F(1,35)=  5.08  MSE=3936.41  p=0.0306
 I4,I2 I3 I1.P4,P2 P3 P1  F(1,35)= 50.92  MSE=2275.51  p=0.0000
 I1 I2.P3 P4    F(1,17)=  2.69    MSE=2972.44    p=0.1194
 I1 I3.P2 P4    F(1,17)=  3.40    MSE=6946.39    p=0.0827
 I1 I4.P2 P3    F(1,18)=  0.28    MSE=4861.99    p=0.3968
 I2 I3.P1 P4    F(1,17)=  1.77    MSE=1817.18    p=0.2010
 I2 I4.P1 P3    F(1,18)= 11.99    MSE=1330.13    p=0.0028
 I3 I4.P1 P2    F(1,18)=  0.47    MSE=3266.48    p=0.4983

Erreurs : 
 I              F(3,105)=  1.5    MSE=0.5208    p=0.2136
 P              F(3,35)= 17.07    MSE=0.6514    p=0.0000
 P.I            F(9,105)=  1.8    MSE=0.5208    p=0.0677
 I1 I2.P1 P2    F(1,18)=  1.20    MSE=0.0833    p=0.2878
 I1 I3.P1 P3    F(1,18)=  0.47    MSE=0.2111    p=0.4983
 I1 I4.P1 P4    F(1,17)=  4.37    MSE=0.2487    p=0.0519
 I2 I3.P2 P3    F(1,18)=  0.00    MSE=0.1056    p=1.0000
 I2 I4.P2 P4    F(1,17)= 12.22    MSE=0.5242    p=0.0028
 I3 I4.P3 P4    F(1,17)=  1.68    MSE=1.1441    p=0.2122
 I1,I2 I3 I4.P1,P2 P3 P4  F(1,35)=  0.06  MSE=0.6535  p=0.1921
 I2,I1 I3 I4.P2,P1 P3 P4  F(1,35)=  2.76  MSE=0.3158  p=0.1056
 I3,I2 I1 I4.P3,P2 P1 P4  F(1,35)=  0.05  MSE=0.797   p=0.1756
 I4,I2 I3 I1.P4,P2 P3 P1  F(1,35)= 17.36  MSE=0.317   p=0.0002
 I1 I2.P3 P4    F(1,17)=  2.21    MSE=1.0029    p=0.1554
 I1 I3.P2 P4    F(1,17)=  0.26    MSE=1.6222    p=0.3833
 I1 I4.P2 P3    F(1,18)=  0.24    MSE=0.4167    p=0.3699
 I2 I3.P1 P4    F(1,17)=  0.88    MSE=0.7977    p=0.3613
 I2 I4.P1 P3    F(1,18)=  0.00    MSE=0.0556    p=1.0000
 I3 I4.P1 P2    F(1,18)=  0.62    MSE=0.1611    p=0.4413

Annexe 5: Mat‚riel espagnol pour la d‚tection de phonŠme attentionnelle



Attaque :
Tests : sagrado, sobrina, copla, capricho, microbio, libro, metralla, reprimir, preclaro, flagrante, triplicar, proclive, triple, progre, problema, programa.
Inducteurs : ciclo, fabrica, cetrino, degradar, siglo, libreta, bucle, febrero, medrar, sacristan, cobre, replica, moflete, soprano, febril, lobrego, cipres, tigre, seglar, lograr, ciclico, reproche, vitrina, refrescar, sofrito, replegar, ladrar, rebrotar, lagrima, cifra, cable, vibrar, cabra, cedro, quebrantar, madrugar, decreto, sublime, depresion, madrigal, padrino, patron, sidra, secreto, migra, labrador, biblico, fibra, metrico.

Coda :
Tests : cansado, segmento, ruptura, lince, nectar, reptil, dogma, rectitud, fluctua, blonda, fragmento, tracto, glandula, fractura, cripta, tractor.
Inducteurs : pigmeo, gamba, factor, septimo, captar, lapso, campestre, furtivo, magno, bacteria, capturar, martir, victima, lastima, doctor, sensacion, magnitud, sector, cadmio, sublingual, raptado, cultivo, magnesio, rector, magma, masticar, capsula, subsuelo, candor, tecnico, lacteo, raptar, pigmento, lectura, vector, facturar, tactil, subcostal, victoria, doctrina, culpa, subsanar, ductil, subsistir, jactarse, digno, sigma, subvencion, secta.

Tests : coflinciar, piDriente, teGleral, piTronal, toclanto, cibreda, maplecho, muTrisar. froBlante, cleProna, traPleno, driclivo, glopluron, treBlinar, ploGlifar, ploGlidal.
Inducteurs : taclefon, chabreto, cadrafa, ruglutel, tapresior, siproche, fidrante, sibrenor, picraton, codrinar, pegraspar, cotruico, cibronal, digropar, pibrerol, tapladar, chubrigo, poclino, maFreto, chuFruisa, tuPligo, teGrina, sodruogal, jodrastor, ficronten, pibrante, doclidion, , puglarda, tufra, soblentia, cotracha, picrismon, digruaval, tebrentol, quedrieson, topral, sebritua, sebrador, caflegil, sigrear, chibruito, soblefar, puglosia, nibreras, setriza, sibreto, batronciar, tipresil, fablico, sebra.

Tests : cemboilga, deptonia, sobdula, ralvinuar, tuntoba, cuncero, dunsielar, ceptoril. plondinar, cloptuicon, plestomia, pructosa, truptano, drectural, droctivar, bliptonsar.
Inducteurs : deptorial, pagmorsia, munsaza, dopterdo, redmida, dempostro, sipturdor, fistucar, pugmesol, dectreba, randina, deptordil, poctora, roctona, segniral, poctular, cirtoval, tigmiense, birdiela, pusgotriel, dolties, sombionar, colpino, mocturon, vacmaler, buctoria, sagmelar, cupsorte, relpordar, saptencar, roptacor, ralparron, mirtila, gembora, foctaso, murlido, rignedio, cuntida, pagnodiur, muctilda, siptala, mapsola, pindiural, dectueso, tistomal, chaptemon, sobledir, repsulon, pagnida, dagtordil.

Annexe 6: Mat‚riel am‚ricain (Inducteurs) pour la d‚tection de phonŠme attentionnelle (exp. 7 et 8)

  Type "coda'' :
bandit (b'@n-d|t), standardize (st'@n-dX-d`Yz), falcon (f'@l-k|n), comfort (k'^m-fXt), mansion (m'@n-C|n), bramble (br'@m-bL), synthesis (s'In-T|-s|s), lantern (l'@n-tXn), panda (p'@n-dx), sensible (s'En-s|-bL), fulminate (f'Ul-mx-n`et), hinder (h'In-dX), trumpet (tr'^m-p|t), cancer (k'@n-sX), filter (f'Il-tX), brandy (br'@n-di), culminate (k'^l-mx-n`et), candidate (k'@n-d|-d`et), number (n'^m-bX), winter (w'In-tX), cultivate (k'^l-t|-v`et), banter (b'@n-tX), thunder (T'^n-dX), vulgar (v'^l-gX), sulphurous (s'^l-fyU-rxs), scandal (sk'@n-dL), hamlet (h'@m-l|t), salvage (s'@l-vIJ), velvet (v'El-vxt), remnant (r'Em-n|nt), calcium (k'@l-si-xm), culture (k'^l-CX), dentist (d'En-t|st), chimney (C'Im-ni), scalpel (sk'@l-pL), tumble (t'^m-bL), sentiment (s'En-tx-mxnt), sultan (s'^l-tN), lumber (l'^m-bX), bundle (b'^n-dL), sample (s'@m-pL), fantasy (f'@n-t|-si), helmet (h'El-mxt), campus (k'@m-pxs), crumple (kr'^m-pL), frantic (fr'@n-tIk), silver (s'Il-vX), dampen (d'@m-pxn), sympathize (s'Im-px-T`Yz), tension (t'En-C|n), transitive (tr'@n-s|-tIv).

Type "attaque'' :
talon (t'@-l|n), sinister (s'I-n|s-tX), calibrate (k'@-l|-br`et), ballot (b'@-l|t), minute (m'I-n|t), clamor (kl'@-mX), skeleton (sk'E-l|-tN), punish (p'^-nIS), lemon (l'E-mxn), pelican (p'E-lI-k|n), planet (pl'@-n|t), tenant (t'E-n|nt), banister (b'@-n|s-tX), limit (l'I-m|t), manifest (m'@-nx-f`Est), melon (m'E-l|n), stomach (st'^-mxk), granular (gr'@n-yU-lX), validate (v'@-lx-d`et), banner (b'@-nX), summit (s'^-mxt), panel (p'@-nL), summarize (s'^-mX-`Yz), damage (d'@-mIJ), malady (m'@-lx-di), cannibal (k'@-nx-bL), shimmer (S'I-mX), timid (t'I-mxd), relic (r'E-lIk), tremor (tr'E-mX), money (m'^-ni), dinner (d'I-nX), felon (f'E-l|n), channel (C'@-nL), million (m'I-li-xn), senator (s'E-n|-tX), jealous (J'E-lxs), camera (k'@-mX-x), salad (s'@-lxd), calendar (k'@-l|n-dX), spinach (sp'I-nIC), palace (p'@-lxs), chemist (k'E-m|st), diligent (d'I-lx-J|nt), democrat (d'E-mx-kr`@t), talent (t'@-l|nt), color (k'^-lX), camel (k'@-mL), gullet (g'^-l|t), stellar (st'E-lX), benefit (b'E-nx-f`It).

Annexe 7: Instructions de d‚tection de phonŠme pour les am‚ricains

  In the following experiment, you will have to detect speech sounds (targets) inside spoken words. You will be listening to a continuous list of words through the headphones. Before each word, a letter (e.g. "N''), standing for the target sound, will be displayed at the center of the computer screen. If you hear the target sound in the word, you have to press the 'YES' button (The right one) as fast as possible. Some words will not contain the target, however. In this case, depress the 'NO' button (the left one).

It is important that you respond as fast as possible because we are measuring your reaction time to detect the sound. Respond as soon as you detect the sound, even if the word is not finished. But, do not press the button BEFORE you hear the sound.

If you make too many errors, we will not be able to use your data. Making a few errors is normal, so, do not deconcentrate when you happen to make one.

Last but not least, let us emphasize that it is the sound that you must detect, not the letter. For example the letter 'K' stands for the sound appearing at the beginning of 'cat' or at the end of 'mock'. When you feel ready, press the space-bar to perform a short training.

Annexe 8: Instruction de d‚tection de phonŠme pour sujets Fran‡ais (exp.8)


Dans cette exp‚rience, vous entendrez une liste de mots ANGLAIS, … raison d'un toutes les 5 secondes. Pr‚c‚dant chacun de ces mots, une lettre sera affich‚e au centre de l'‚cran. Quand cette lettre apparaŒtra, vous devrez penser au SON correspondant: Par exemple:

 P \hspace{.5cm} comme dans pot, supper, stop\\ 
 K \...
 ...} comme dans cat, token, make\\ 
 L \hspace{.5cm} comme dans low, mellow, all}$

Puis, si vous entendez ce son dans le mot qui suit, vous devrez appuyer sur le bouton de r‚ponse OUI. Certains mots ne contiennent pas le son correspondant, dans ce cas vous appuyez sur le bouton NON.

Remarquez qu'il n'est pas important que vous connaissiez le mot anglais et en particulier son orthographe puisque c'est le SON qu'on vous demande de d‚tecter (cf 'k' dans 'cat').

Nous mesurons votre temps de r‚action, c'est pourquoi il faut que vous r‚pondiez AUSSI VITE que possible, sans attendre la fin du mot, et surtout sans faire d'erreurs. Tƒchez d'ˆtre attentif, et en particulier de ne pas rater les lettres qui apparaissent … l'‚cran. Si jamais vous faites une erreur, NE VOUS DECONCENTREZ PAS, et pr‚parez-vous pour l'essai suivant.

Annexe 9: Anova de l'exp‚rience 11 (PATABADA )


PLAN  S8<I2*O2*F2>*C2
C = condition (Bloc Exp‚rimental vs bloc contr“le)
F = Trait (F1=voisement  ; F2=place)
O = Ordre (Bloc Exp‚rimental ou Bloc Contr“le d'abord)
I = Index (I1= congruent ; I2= non congruent)

case : Moyenne (SDM/n)
C1I1O1F1 : 683.1 (27.4/8)
C2I1O1F1 : 746.3 (35.9/8)
C1I2O1F1 : 706.4 (19.7/8)
C2I2O1F1 : 724.9 (12.6/8)
C1I1O2F1 : 734.1 (28.7/8)
C2I1O2F1 : 700.6 (10.5/8)
C1I2O2F1 : 728.4 (17.7/8)
C2I2O2F1 : 733.3 (14.6/8)
C1I1O1F2 : 695.7 (19.8/8)
C2I1O1F2 : 763.5 (21.9/8)
C1I2O1F2 : 698.5 (21.3/8)
C2I2O1F2 : 737.1 (41.2/8)
C1I1O2F2 : 738.6 (14.6/8)
C2I1O2F2 : 743.4 (24.1/8)
C1I2O2F2 : 697.9 (29.0/8)
C2I2O2F2 : 707.5 (35.1/8)

Temps de r‚action
 F              F(1,56)=  0.04    MSE=7617.96    p=0.1578
 O              F(1,56)=  0.05    MSE=7617.96    p=0.1761
 O.F            F(1,56)=  0.12    MSE=7617.96    p=0.2697
 I              F(1,56)=  0.34    MSE=7617.96    p=0.4378
 I.F            F(1,56)=  1.09    MSE=7617.96    p=0.3010
 I.O            F(1,56)=  0.05    MSE=7617.96    p=0.1761
 I.O.F          F(1,56)=  0.40    MSE=7617.96    p=0.4703
 C              F(1,56)=  6.48    MSE=2331.15    p=0.0137
 C.F            F(1,56)=  0.98    MSE=2331.15    p=0.3265
 C.O            F(1,56)=  8.77    MSE=2331.15    p=0.0045
 C.O.F          F(1,56)=  0.07    MSE=2331.15    p=0.2077
 C.I            F(1,56)=  0.20    MSE=2331.15    p=0.3436
 C.I.F          F(1,56)=  0.07    MSE=2331.15    p=0.2077
 C.I.O          F(1,56)=  2.94    MSE=2331.15    p=0.0919
 C.I.O.F        F(1,56)=  0.51    MSE=2331.15    p=0.4781
 C/F1           F(1,28)=  1.37    MSE=2050.71    p=0.2517
 I/F1           F(1,28)=  0.14    MSE=6056.76    p=0.2889
 C.I/F1         F(1,28)=  0.02    MSE=2050.71    p=0.1115
 C.O/F1         F(1,28)=  5.93    MSE=2050.71    p=0.0215
 I.O/F1         F(1,28)=  0.10    MSE=6056.76    p=0.2458
 C.I.O/F1       F(1,28)=  3.36    MSE=2050.71    p=0.0775
 C/F2           F(1,28)=  5.58    MSE=2611.58    p=0.0254
 I/F2           F(1,28)=  1.09    MSE=9179.17    p=0.3054
 C.I/F2         F(1,28)=  0.23    MSE=2611.58    p=0.3648
 C.O/F2         F(1,28)=  3.24    MSE=2611.58    p=0.0826
 I.O/F2         F(1,28)=  0.31    MSE=9179.17    p=0.4179
 C.I.O/F2       F(1,28)=  0.44    MSE=2611.58    p=0.4875

 F              F(1,56)=  0.38    MSE=0.0052    p=0.4599
 O              F(1,56)=  0.06    MSE=0.0052    p=0.1926
 O.F            F(1,56)=  2.70    MSE=0.0052    p=0.1060
 I              F(1,56)=  1.17    MSE=0.0052    p=0.2840
 I.F            F(1,56)=  0.07    MSE=0.0052    p=0.2077
 I.O            F(1,56)=  0.09    MSE=0.0052    p=0.2347
 I.O.F          F(1,56)=  3.21    MSE=0.0052    p=0.0786
 C              F(1,56)=  7.61    MSE=0.0034    p=0.0078
 C.F            F(1,56)=  0.09    MSE=0.0034    p=0.2347
 C.O            F(1,56)=  1.00    MSE=0.0034    p=0.3216
 C.O.F          F(1,56)=  3.53    MSE=0.0034    p=0.0655
 C.I            F(1,56)=  0.07    MSE=0.0034    p=0.2077
 C.I.F          F(1,56)=  0.09    MSE=0.0034    p=0.2347
 C.I.O          F(1,56)=  0.77    MSE=0.0034    p=0.3840
 C.I.O.F        F(1,56)=  2.12    MSE=0.0034    p=0.1510
 C/F1           F(1,28)=  5.19    MSE=0.0031    p=0.0305
 I/F1           F(1,28)=  0.44    MSE=0.0038    p=0.4875
 C.I/F1         F(1,28)=  0.00    MSE=0.0031    p=0.0000
 C.O/F1         F(1,28)=  4.59    MSE=0.0031    p=0.0410
 I.O/F1         F(1,28)=  1.51    MSE=0.0038    p=0.2294
 C.I.O/F1       F(1,28)=  3.01    MSE=0.0031    p=0.0937
 C/F2           F(1,28)=  2.75    MSE=0.0037    p=0.1084
 I/F2           F(1,28)=  0.72    MSE=0.0065    p=0.4033
 C.I/F2         F(1,28)=  0.15    MSE=0.0037    p=0.2985
 C.O/F2         F(1,28)=  0.35    MSE=0.0037    p=0.4411
 I.O/F2         F(1,28)=  1.72    MSE=0.0065    p=0.2003
 C.I.O/F2       F(1,28)=  0.15    MSE=0.0037    p=0.2985

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Christophe Pallier