What is an automaton?
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Automate du Quartier de l’horloge à Paris
“L’Encyclopédie fit de Vaucanson un demi-dieu et le célébra pour ses automates extraordinaires : pour la première fois des êtres artificiels étaient capables, par le génie du cerveau humain, de jouer parfaitement d’un instrument de musique ou de se comporter comme de véritables êtres vivants.”
At a abstract level, an automaton can be formally described by: - a set of internal states - a transition table that describes the events that lead to changes from state to state
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Finite state automaton description of Bengalese Finch songs
From Berwick et al., 2011 Trends in Cognitive Sciences 15, 3: 113–21
(see also Descartes. Les animaux Machines Lettre au Marquis de Newcastle
(a very useful tool in Computer Science are regular expressions, a way to describe patterns and find them in data)
simple fragment of English
See David Temperley’s Visual representation of the English language for more.
Events associated to transition can be input and/or output
Automata can react to external events in a context-sensitive manner because the current states depends on the history of states.
Computer science terminology: finite state machines (FSM), or _finite state automaton__ (FSA)
Exercice: draw the transition diagram for a simple coffee machine with three states (off/on/brewing) and two buttons (switch on/off and brew)
Computer is basically an automaton with an additional memory store.
Intended as a mathematical model of computation, it is a finite state machine augmented with a tape and a mechanism to read/write on it.
see Roger Penrose’s chapter’s on Turing machines and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turing_machine
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A register machine is another computing model that is closer to actual computers.
The seven secrets of computer power revealed (Chapter 24 from Daniel Dennett (1023) Intuition Pumps and other tools for thinking)
(an older version is available at http://sites.tufts.edu/rodrego/files/2011/03/Secrets-of-Computer-Power-Revealed-2008.pdf)
(Online Demo at http://proto.atech.tufts.edu/RodRego/
Registers = memory locations, each with a unique address (1, 2, 3, …), and each able to have , as contents, a singel integer (0, 1, 2, …)
Processing unit that can execute instructions in a stepwise, one-at-a-time fashion. The processor knows just 3 instructions:
1 DEB 0 2 3
2 INC 1 1
Exercice; Simlulate this program on a machine where Reg0 contains 4 and Reg1 contains 7, and explain what it is doing.
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This program adds the content of register 0 to register 1 (destroying the content of 0)
Exercice: write a program that moves the content of reg4 intro reg5
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1 DEB 5 1 2
2 DEB 4 3 4
3 INC 5 2
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The following program copies the content of reg1 into reg3, leaving reg1 unchanged.
1 DEB 3 1 2
2 DEB 4 2 3
3 DEB 1 4 6
4 INC 3 5
5 INC 4 3
6 DEB 4 7 8
7 INC 1 6
1 DEB 3 1 2
2 DEB 4 2 3
3 DEB 1 4 6
4 INC 3 5
5 INC 4 3
6 DEB 4 7 8
7 INC 1 6
8 DEB 2 9 11
9 INC 3 10
10 INC 4 11
11 DEB 4 12 13
12 INC 2 11
13 END
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Note that conditional branching is the key instruction that gives the power to the machine. Depending on the content of memory, the machine can do either (a) or (b).
Competence without comprehension. A machine can do perfect arithmetic without having to comprehend what it is doing.
What a number in a register stands for depends on the program
The register machine can be designed to discriminate any pattern that can be encoded with numbers (e.g. images, text, sensory inputs,…)
Programs can be encoded by numbers.
All programs can be given a unique number which can be treated as a list of instructions by a Universal Machine.
all improvements in computers over Turing machine (or Register machine), are simply ways of making them faster
There is no secret #7
Programs in higher-level languages (rather than Machine language) can be either * compiled, or * interpreted
In both cases, you write the program as textual files.
A compiler translates the program into an executable file in machine language. The exectutable file is standalone.
An interpreter reads the file and execute the commands one by one. It is slower, but easier to interact with. Disatvange: you need the interpreter at all time.
In the first computers, there was only one program running. Yo would load the program into memory, then run it until the end. Programs were ran in BATCH mode, in a sequence.
Then, it was realized that computers could ‘time-share’ between programs, allowing several users (or programs) to share the computer.
This requires an operating systems (O.S.). The O.S. is the first program that loads into the computer during the boot. When running:
it controls the hardware (screen/printer/disk/keybord/mouse,…) (drivers)
Check out Task Manager (Windows)/System Monitor (Linux)/ Activity Monitor (Mac)
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Different OS offer different “views” of the computer (e.g. 1 button mouse in Mac, 2 in Windows, 3 in Linux), so often programs are designed to work on one OS (bad!). Prefer multiplatform software (like Python).
Several OS can be installed in a given machine: - choice at boot (multiboot) - an OS can run inside a virtual machine, that is a program running in another (or the same) OS, and emulating a full computer.
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Terminal (or console): originaly, a device comprising a keyboard and screen, allowing a human to interact with a computer.
However, terminals can be virtual. A terminal is a program that let you run text programs. You interact by typing and displaying text. No graphical interface/no mouse.
When you open a terminal, a program called a shell is started that displays a prompt, and waits for you to enter commands with the keyboard.
Picture of a ‘virtual’ terminal in Linux
Ubuntu-Linux: Ctrl-Alt-T (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal)
MacOSX: Open Finder/Applications/Utilities/Terminal (see http://www.wikihow.com/Get-to-the-Command-Line-on-a-Mac)
Windows: Win+X+Command-Prompt (see http://pcsupport.about.com/od/commandlinereference/f/open-command-prompt.htm)
Inside the terminal, you are interacting with a program called a Shell.
Various Shells exists: under Windows: cmd/powershell; under, Mac/linux: bash/tsch… they speak slighlty different languages.
The shell displays a prompt and waits for you to type commands that it will execute. For example, if you type ipython, it will start the ipython program.
One issue is that you have to know the available commands and the language. By contrast with a Graphical User Interface shell with Windows/Icons/Menus, Textual shells have a very poor ergonomy. Yet, there are more powerful. They provides variables, loops,… to facilitate automation of tasks.
For example, to create 20 directories in a single bash command under linux:
for f in 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10; do mkdir -p subject_$f/data subject_$f/results; done
To learn more, see Wikipedia’s article on Shell_(Computing): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shell_%28computing%29
Good news: you will not need to learn a shell language, only a few commands (pwd/cd/ls/dir) to allow you to navigate the filesystem and run a program.
Most computers (not all) have two kinds of memories: - volatile, fast, memory, which is cleared when the computer is switched off (processor’s caches, RAM) - ‘permanent’, slow, memory, which is not erased when the computer is switched off (DISKS, Flashdrives (=solid-state drives))
The unit of storage is the file.
Files are nothing but blobs of bits stored “sequentially” on disks.
A first file could be stored between location 234 and 256, a second file could be stored at location 456.
To access a file, one would need to know its location on the disk. To simplify human users’ life, the OS provide a system of “pointers”, that is filenames , organised in directories.
To help users further, the directories are organised in a hierarchical structure: a directory can contain filenames and other (sub)directories. The top-level directory is called the root.
Linux directory structure
To locate a file, you must know: - its location in the directory structure - its basename
Remark: a given file can have several names in the same or various directories (remember: a filename is nothing but a link between a human readable charachter string to a location on the disk)
It would be tedious to always have to specify the full path of a files (that is, the list of all subdirs from the root)
Here comes the notion of working directory: A running program has a working directory and filenames can specified relative to this directory.
Suppose you want to access the file pointed to by /users/pallier/documents/thesis.pdf
. If the current working directory is /users/pallier
, you can just use documents/thesis.pdf
(notice the absence of ‘/’ at the beginning).
To determine the current working directory, list its content, and change it:
cd Documents
echo %cd%
cd Documents
import os
A command can simply be a program’s name. Typing it and pressing Enter will start the program.
The shell knows where to look for programs thanks to a special environment variable called the PATH.
Under bash
echo $PATH
which ls
which python
Under Windows/DOS:
echo %PATH%
The PATH variable lists all the directories that contains programs.
It is possible to add new directories to the PATH variable, to access new programs.
export PATH=newdirectory:$PATH
A set of new functions that extend a language (.DLL (Windows);.a or .so (Linux); framework bundles (MacOs))
Dynamic libraries can be used simultaneously by several processes.
Eg. the function @@sqrt@@ can be defined once, and called by several programs, saving memory.
In Python, use @@import library
import math