Each student should end up with a bundle of softwares which are needed in the mandatory courses of the Cogmaster.
You migh skip the Atom
install if and only if you are already used to an advanced text editor as wim, emacs, sublimetext. Microsoft Office Word, LibreOffice and other document formatting softwares are not text editors.
The only slot in the schedule dedicated to installation of softwares is on Wednesday 2 September from 9:00 to 12:00. We will not answer installation questions during the following AIP lectures. We will not try to solve your problems if you were not attending on Wednesday morning. If you don’t have a computer yet, tell us after the AIP presentation on Monday 31 August.
Backup your computer on monday evening.
Installation procedures are currently being tested on Windows (7 64bits), MacOS (10.9 Maverick), and debian-based linux. We have have few years of experience with installations on various Operating System versions, but there is always some computers on which the usual procedures and fixes fail. We will try our best, if it happens to you, please be patient.
Some installations will require an internet access, thus don’t forget to bring your login and password for the ENS wifi on wednesday morning.
Installation procedures will be put online on Tuesday. Links will be provided to download the installation files from the internet. Try much as possible to download the software installers on your computer Tuesday evening: it will save us some time on Wednesday morning because the network at the ENS is usually slow and we will have only few USB sticks with the software installers.
If you are using a debian-based Linux such as Ubuntu, most of the installations will be made with apt, it is way safer to try the installation at your home if you have a decent internet connection than Wednesday at the ENS.
Select the installation instructions for your operating system:
Mac OS
Follow carefully the instructions step by step, not skipping any. If something does not work as expected, stop there and ask for our help. It is much easier to prevent a misinstallation than to repare it.
Once the installation on your computer completed, you can browse the documents in the ressource folder
Save target as
, and select an appropriate directory, for example the default Downloads
folder.Open the Folder
or open an explorer (windows key + e) and go to your Downloads
Button and accepting default parameters (note in which directory the program will be installed) until you have to click on the Finish
, you should see the program running and you coud reopen it using the desktop Scratch icon. Alternatively, you can open an explorer, go to the directory in which the program was installed and double click on the Scratch icon.Download Windows Installer
button on [http://atom.io]AtomSetup.exe
button).Sign up for Github
buttonDownload GitHub Desktop
folder and double click on the “GitHubSetup.exe” filelogin
, then your email and click on Continue
if you have trouble with the anaconda installation that we told you we cannot solve, here is a link to the Christophe Gohlke 64bits modules [http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/#pygame]
folder and double click on the “Anaconda-X.X.X-Windows-” fileJust Me (recommended)
, then click on Next
All the programs
and then the Anaconda (64-bit)
folder, what you are looking for is the IPython (Py 2.7)
entry. Click there (and not the IPython (Py 2.7) Notebook
nor the IPython (Py 2.7) QTConsole
).[ ] in just after the $
sign, type each of those lines one by one followed by a stroke on the enter
import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scipy import stats x=np.arange(-5,5,.1) y=stats.norm.pdf(x) plt.plot(x,y) plt.show()
[ ] close the ipython shell by typing quit()
or the keyboard shortcut ctrl + D
All the programs
and then the Anaconda folder
, then on Anaconda Command Prompt
key: sh conda install conda
You have to type it where a little rectangle is blinking (this is the “prompt”), after something that looks like C:Users\your_name\AppData\Local\continuum\Anaconda>
You will see some text messages during the installation of some python modules, don’t worry!Procced ([y]/n)
, press on the Enter
key (because yes is the default)[ ] when you are back to the blinking little rectangle, type this text, then press the Enter
key: conda install -c https://conda.binstar.org/krisvanneste pygame
[ ] When the installation of pygame is over, you can even type exit
and press on Enter
to close the window, how spooky!
All the programs
and then the Anaconda folder
, then on Ipython (Py 2.7) QTConsole
[ ] after the “IPython window” has opened, you can copy and paste the following seven lines just after the In [1]:
, then press twice on Enter
import pygame
You should see a little window appear, change color and then disappear.ctrl+D
to quit the ipython consoleWindows
icon (or just press the Windows
key on your keyboard), then on All the programs
and then the Anaconda folder
, then on Anaconda Command Prompt
[ ] at the prompt, type the following text then press on Enter
python Lib\site-packages\pygame\examples\chimp.py
You should be able to play a silly game, including sound (make sure the sound is on, but not too loud).
10.2 | 10.3 | 10.4 | 10.5 | 10.6 | 10.7 | 10.8 | 10.9 | 10.10 |
Jaguar | Panther | Tiger | Leopard | Snow Leopard | Lion | Mountain Lion | Mavericks | Yosemite |
2002 | 2003 | 2005 | 2007 | 2009 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 |
next to the Apple
logo on the top left corner of your screen, then on Preferences
, then the Side Bar
check the first unchecked box under DEVICES
, close the Finder Preferences
window.Application folder
and the to the Utilities
subfolder, grab the Terminal
icon and put it on the second place on your “Dock”, right next to the Finder
icon you just placed in the “Dock”.[ ] In this window copy and paste the following text then press on the Enter
key (from now on this will be called executing a command in the terminal) xcode-select --install
[ ] This should make a window pop up to ask you if you want to install the “Command Line Tools”, answer Yes
, and wait until completion of the installation
Download XQuartz-2.7.7.dmg from [http://xquartz.macosforge.org/landing/]
and Agree
until you can click on Install
Sign up for Github
buttonDownload GitHub Desktop
archive if neededGitHub Desktop
button at the security pop up windowMove to Application Folder
Sign up
, then on Continue
Install Command Line Tools
, then on the pop-up window, type down your mac account password and click on Install Helper
upon completion of the Helper installContinue
on the “Welcome to GitHub Desktop”Done
### Atom
Download the Atom installer by clicking on the big red Download For Mac
button on [http://atom.io]
Install as usual
folder from the Dock
folder in the pop-up windowApplications
folder from the Dock
icon[ ] Go to [http://cran.rstudio.com/bin/macosx/] and download either the “R-3.2.2.pkg” or the “R-3.2.1-snowleopard.pkg” depending on the version of your OS (check About this mac on the apple menu on the top left of your screen if needed).
[ ] download RStudio-0.99.473.dmg from https://www.rstudio.com/products/rstudio/download/ or an appropriate older version from [https://support.rstudio.com/hc/en-us/articles/206569407-Older-Versions-of-RStudio-Desktop]
icon again, then on “About This Mac” window, now click on “More info…” and in the window that opens up seek the “Processor Name” entry in the “Hardware Overview”. If it says “PowerPC”, “Intel Core Solo” or “Intel Core Duo”, then stop right there before doing anything else, because you will need to wait until the Wednesday install party to get a different version of Python.[ ] alternatively, open a terminal and type the following text, then press on the Enter
key sysctl hw.cpu64bit_capable
The output tells you if your processor can get huge instruction sets
architecture | output | so what ? |
64 bits | 1 | Carry on |
32 bits | 0 | Stop right now |
[ ] If and only if your mac pass these tests, you can carry on.
folder and double click on the file Anaconda-X.X.X-MacOSX-x86_64.pkg in order to start the installation.Continue
several times and agree on licence terms until the installation is completed, if at some point you see the error “You cannot install Anaconda in this location”, then just click on Install for me only
and you should be able to continue.Close
and ipython-qtconsole
are installed (their icon should be Update | Lauch
), otherwise, click on Install
application from your “Dock”$
sign, type ipython
then press on the Enter
key in order to lauch a ipython interpreter[ ] in the ipython shell, type each of those lines one by one followed by enter
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy import stats
or the keyboard shortcut ctrl + D
[ ] you are now back to the command line in the Terminal application.
Warning Now the Mac python install procedure starts to be tricky, if you don’t feel confident with typing commands in a terminal, of if you’d like to sleep, stop rigth now, we will carry on tomorrow morning.
Otherwise, stay up for some more fun with the terminal!
[ ] in a terminal, copy paste or type this command: ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
[ ] if you ever have an error about certificates using curl
, execute the two following commands and restart the “Homebrew” install of the previous step export CURL_CA_BUNDLE=/usr/local/curl/ curl http://curl.haxx.se/ca/cacert.pem -o cacert.pem
[ ] once the installation is over type in the terminal brew doctor
[ ] when the doctor gave you its check-up diagnosis, it should tell you that your system is ready for brewing stuff or something similar
[ ] If and only if the doctor gave its green light, you can Now close (by typing exit
and then closing the windows with the cmd+W
key stroke combination) all your instances of the terminal application, quit the application cmd+Q
and relaunch it.
brew install sdl sdl_image sdl_mixer sdl_ttf portmidi
[ ] In a terminal, execute conda install conda
Procced ([y]/n)
, press on the Enter
key (because yes is the default[ ] wait
conda install -c http://conda.binstar.org/quasiben pygame
Procced ([y]/n)
, press on the Enter
key (because yes is the default[ ] in a terminal, type ipython qtconsole
In [1]:
, then press twice on Enter
import pygame pygame.init() w=pygame.display.set_mode([300,300]) w.fill([128,37,213]) pygame.display.flip() pygame.time.wait(3000) pygame.quit()
to quit the ipython console[ ] to further check the installation, in a Terminal window, type: python ~/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pygame/examples/chimp.py
You should be able to play a silly game, including sound (make sure the sound is on, but not too loud).
You must be connected to the Internet!
Execute the following commands: 1. Download and install
sudo apt-get install python2.7
sudo apt-get install python-numpy python-scipy python-matplotlib python-pandas
sudo apt-get install ipython ipython-notebook
sudo apt-get install python2.7-doc python2.7-examples
sudo apt-get install python-numpy-doc python-matplotlib-doc
sudo apt-get install ipython-doc
sudo apt-get install python-pygame
in order to lauch a ipython interpreter import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy import stats
[ ] exit the ipython shell by typing quit()
or the keyboard shortcut ctrl + D
[ ] then you are back to the terminal shell where you can install pygame
iceweasel /usr/share/doc/python2.7-doc/html/index.html
iceweasel /usr/share/doc/python-pygame/index.hml
sudo apt-get install git-core
git config --global user.name "your_user_name"
git config --global user.email your_email@example.com
sudo apt-get install scratch
You should see a new window, where you should be able to grab and move the little mascot.
Instructions to install R are available here: https://cran.r-project.org/bin/linux/ubuntu/README.html#installation
lsb_release -da
You should see an output like this one:
Distributor ID: Debian
Description : Debian GNU/Linux 7.8 (wheezy)
Release: 7.8
Codename: wheezy
sudo sh -c 'echo deb http://cran.univ-paris1.fr/bin/linux/debian wheezy-cran3/ >> /etc/apt/sources.list'
For Ubuntu, you migh have to leave out the -cran3 after the version codename
sudo sh -c 'echo deb http://cran.univ-paris1.fr/bin/linux/ubuntu vivid/ >> /etc/apt/sources.list'
sudo apt-get update
installer for Debian/Ubuntu. If your system is not that recent, go to [https://support.rstudio.com/hc/en-us/articles/206569407-Older-Versions-of-RStudio-Desktop] to find the appropriate installer file.sudo apt-get install r-base r-base-core r-base-html
sudo apt-get install libjpeg62
sudo dpkg -i rstudio-X.XX.XXX-amd64.deb
in a console to lauch the R interpretersudo apt-get install atom
But if you are using linux, you might already be using a decent text editor and thus won’t need Atom.